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●"I couldn'tfind the rhythm throughout the whole match."

●"I was trying not to be frustrated with a lot of unforced errors. Tried to be positive and just wait for the chances."

●"He didn't give me a lot of chances. I didn't work for those chances. This is the problem."

●"I played too passive, and he played really solid from all the strokes."

●"He was playing a good match."

●"You have to give him credit forplaying tactically really smart and really good. Unfortunately, I had no solutions."

●"Physically I felt good, but it's just a bad day at the office. What can you do? This is sport."

●"Philipp is a clay court specialist, and he went out in a fiveset match and played incredibly well today."

●"I wasn't moving toward and just trying, move left, right, back, forth, trying to find the comfort zone. Didn't really work out."

●"My legs were really stuck. So if you have no explosive power and your legs are not dynamic enough on this surface, you have not a lot of chances if the guy plays such a high level as he played today."

●"I've played a lot, so mentally I'm a little bit exhausted."

▼リズム▼ミスしてもイライラしない▼前向きにそしてチャンスを待つ▼受け身▼相手の戦略(計画)と戦術(実行)への対応策▼リターンでの自分によいゾーンを見つける▼足がとまる▼メンタルな疲労感▼第3セットで空を見上げた光景を質問に立った記者が的確に説明:"In the third set, you were leading 32. You seemed to come back. At the end of thefifth game you were looking at the sky with your arms wide open."
日記 | 投稿者 D304 05:28 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)


5月17日。デュッセルドルフ(独)。レイナー・シュトラー(Rainer Schuettler)がサム・クエリー(Sam Querrey)に6-2、4-6、2-6で米国が独に1-0。


●"There will be other good days again."

●"I am not worried because the days when I will make those shots in the corner will return."

▼昨年のようないい感じが近いうちに戻ってくる▼Querreyの勝ったその訳:"The first set obviously wasn't as good, but then I kind of found my bearings there and started really hitting out on my forehand."←finding my bearings、、というのは面白い▼"I thought my backhand got better as the match went on, and I started taking some chances running around the second serve and hitting a forehand, and that was working well."←バックの調子も上がって、チャンスを見てはフォアの回り込みリターンも成功。これはいい感じ▼"I just stuck with him. I think that changed the momentum right there."▼"I stuck in there and worked my way into the match and found a way to break, and from there it kind of got better and better."←相手から引き離されないよう粘っているうちに流れを変えることができた。これもいい感じ▼冠スポンサーのARAGの事業がなかなかユニーク。一般個人の各種様々な法律相談に対応して適切な専門弁護士を紹介できるネットワークを持って各種法的サービスを支援する事業のようです。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 01:33 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●“Roger was much better than me and deserved to win today.”

●"He deserved this victory today more. He played well and I wasn't able to be aggressive enough."

●"He was simply better than me."

● “The surface was faster than the courts I’ve been playing on recently and suited him better.”

●"I think this fast clay favoured Roger today."

●“Playing four hours was not a problem for today.”

●"It didn't help that I had to play four hours yesterday. But even if I hadn't I don't know if I would have been able to stop Roger."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 03:05 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)


5月15日。マドリッド(スペイン)。Murrayが Del Potroに 6-7, 3-6でベスト4進出ならず。



●“I should probably have taken that first set.”

●"I should have won the first set."

●"I bust a string at 5-2 and lost pretty much eight points in a row."

●"In the tie-break, I just got away from playing my game."


●"My tactics were not great after making a good start and I went for shots I should not have gone for."

●"I started taking balls on that weren't there to be hit and I was hitting the ball with not a lot of height over the net, so therefore I made more mistakes - I didn't play my best game."

●"I came to the net like three times in the one game where I got broken and lost a point, so that means that I need to find the right balance between being aggressive and not getting away from my game style."

●“I need to find the right balance between getting aggressive and sticking to my game.”

●"It's still a question of finding the right balance but this time last year I would not have beaten someone like Tommy Robredo and I'm planning to have a good French Open."

●"This week was good. I had probably my best game on clay against Tommy Robredo and I thought I was hitting the ball well, it's just that my tactics weren't great."

▼5-2からひっくり返されたら痛い▼大事なところでガットを切ってしまったというのもついてないし▼ "finding the right balance between getting aggressive and sticking to my game"は◎。相手がパワーゲーム主体だとつい攻撃性を強めてしまうものだけれど、、いけないいけない。自分のゲームにこだわらなければ。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:14 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Tommy Robredo(マドリッド・オープン'09)

5月13日。マドリッド(スペイン)。Tommy RobredoがAndy Murray に57、16。


●"I simply couldn't recover after giving up an early break in the second set."

●"If you don't take your chances when you've got them, then he's going to kill you."

●"When you attack him he defends well, and if you let him attack he really does it."


日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:07 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Venus Williams(マドリッド・オープン'09)

5月12日。マドリッド(スペイン)。Venus WilliamsがAlisa Kleybanovaに36、63、57。


●“I felt like she won by just being aggressive from both sides of the court.”

●“Against me she had to go for everything and make everything."

●"All her balls landed in today.”

●"It was not a good first set, just really flat, and that gave her the confidence that she had a chance."

●"I think I'm playing really well and I'm moving well on the court and I feel good, I have another tournament to play so I'm focusing on playing positive there."

●"My work here is done, but I'll stay in Europe to prepare for Roland Garros."

●"I regret losing, but I think I'm really playing well on clay and I feel good."

●"It's important not to think too hard: I know I can play well - but not in every match. It's important not to beat myself up over this loss."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:00 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Serena Williams(マドリッド・オープン'09)

5月11日。マドリッド(スペイン)。Serena WilliamsがFrancesca Schiavoneに46で棄権。


●"It's always hard to deal with an injury, especially when you are planning to do well in a tournament but you just have to live to fight another day."

●“It’s not going to stop me playing in Paris.”

●“I didn’t want to risk my chances to play Roland Garros. I don’t know how serious it is, but I don’t want it to get worse.”

●“I was just really hindered. My movement was hindered as a result of an injury I’ve been struggling with for some time.”

日記 | 投稿者 D304 21:51 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)


5月10日。エストリル(ポルトガル)。BlakeがAlbert Montanesに75、67、06で準優勝。


●"I feel confident for the Madrid and Roland Garros tournaments and I feel I can beat any player, even on clay courts."

●"I've been low on confidence the past few week."

● "I knew I had to change to be able to do well."

●"I feel like I'm ready to keep playing great tennis, even if it was a bit tough today."

●"Alberto played well and hung in there. I had many chances to end it in two sets but couldn't quite get there."

▼メンタルにタフな試合だったのでしょうけれど、全仏に向けて気持ちも前向き▼"Hang in there."は使うにあたって困ったことはないのですけれど、どうも発音的には過去形hungとの使い分けをきちんとしていないような、、。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 01:41 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Anna Lena Groenefeld(エストリル・オープン'09)

5月8日。エストリル(ポルトガル)。Anna Lena GroenefeldがEkaterina Makarovaに36、16で決勝進出逃す。


●“It was just not my day.”

●“I didn’t feel the ball at all, it was very difficult, and I was struggling."

●"She played solid and didn’t give me any free points. On my side, there is not much to say."

●“It was the first time I had played her. I saw a little bit of her semi-final but didn’t really know what to expect. Today was just nothing from my side.”

▼ボールを打った感じが良くなくて大変だった▼相手のプレーにキレがあってただでもらったようなポイントは一つも無し▼対戦相手とはこれが初めてで何が起きるのか分からなかった▼自分からは何も出来なかった▼同大会男子ではブレークが好調:"It's a good feeling, I really like the way I'm playing. I'm now playing my style and it feels great. Even if I'd not won two in a row, I would have been satisfied with my game. I was really going for my shots."
日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:59 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●“I played what she liked, and, of course, she has more power than me.”

日記 | 投稿者 D304 05:59 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●"Obviously it's his patience in the certain points."

●"I made some unforced errors, tiebreak, second, third point."

●"In the deciding moments he just overcome the pressure better than me."

●"He plays forehand with a lot of spin and tries to put the point out of position so he can open up the court for the next shot. He does it really successfully. But I think I didn't move in that shot as well as I needed to, and then couple of unforced errors in the first and second set resulted with a loss."

●"I felt that the balls were really, really high. Made my shots difficult, especially from the backhand side."

●"It was quite windy. I did have chances. I could have maybe won the first set and maybe things would look different, but, you know, we keep on going."

●"He didn't make a lot of service errors. He had a quite high percentage of the first serves in."

●"He was serving quite well and moving always great, like always."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 10:50 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Nalbandian(Estoril Open'09)

5月4日。Estoril(ポルトガル)。NalbandianがPaul Capdevilleに2-6、2-6で1回戦敗退。


●“My preparation coming to Estoril was as good as possible but limited due to my ongoing hip injury,”

● “I did everything I could to recover on time to play this tournament and I believe I arrived in the best shape possible given the circumstances."

●“Today I just couldn’t move well and never found my rhythm. The injury still bothers me. I have to keep working on getting better.”

日記 | 投稿者 D304 22:42 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)