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Elena Dementieva(全豪09)

1月29日。メルボルン。Elena DementievaがSerena Williamsに36、46。


●"I was maybe not aggressive enough and maybe I was playing not deep enough, which allowed her to be very aggressive and dictate the game."

●"She was very powerful today."

●"She was moving better today, and her firstserve percentage was quite high. So was really difficult on her service game, to do something, to put any pressures."

●"She was very focused today."

●"I did some doublefaults not in a good moment. I think my first serve was not good enough for her today."

▼「悪い場面でダブルフォルト」:これは誰でもいけませんよね▼「ファーストサーブでも相手に効かない、、」:背が高くて大きな友人とプレーにしているときに「ああ自分はなんてちっちゃなアジア人、、」と感じることならよくあるのですが、 Serenaを相手にプレーするDementievaもそんな気持ちになったのかしら。身長はともかく肉厚の差とでも言うのか。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 08:56 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Andy Roddick(全豪09)

1月29日。メルボルン。Andy RoddickがRoger Federerに26、57、57。


●"Overall, it was an okay match. He just beat me. It's plain and simple."

●"Let's not kid ourselves, You're down two sets to him and scraping, trying to survive. I hit the ball pretty well. If you look at his stats for the match, both of us had pretty good stats. He just came up with shots when he needed to. That's what he does."

●"He served great. For some reason he seems to serve pretty well. I think it was up around maybe over 70% first serves, which is just high for him. He's not really up in that area a lot. So when he does that, it makes it pretty tough."

●"He enjoys playing at night. Seems like he sees the ball pretty big at night. I think that's a factor that needs to be at least thought of or discussed."

●"The guy made a judgment call. I didn't agree with the judgment call. I made it known. I asked pointed questions that when he answered them they completely contradicted what he said before."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:03 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

James Blake(全豪09)

1月26日。James BlakeがJo-Wilfried Tsongaに46、46、67。


●Serve was probably giving me the most trouble. When he was making first serves, it made it really difficult for me to get into points. He has such an aggressive style, if you block that first one back, you're going to be running. You're going to be in trouble. That was a big problem for me.

●I didn't take advantage of some of the opportunities I had on some second serves. A little frustrating. Didn't feel like I served well. Didn't feel like I returned well. Otherwise it was okay.

●Those are two pretty important parts of the game. Especially on the returns, it's one that I usually take pride in being pretty good at. Didn't execute today. Didn't get a lot of free points on my first serve, which can make it tough to work all day that way.

●He was varying the speed. He did a good job. But I still felt like I could have done a better job returning, especially in that tiebreaker, missing two pretty easy ones that I thought I could have really taken advantage of.

日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:31 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Novak Djokovic(全豪09)

1月27日。メルボルン。Novak DjokovicがAndy Roddickに76、46、26、12でリタイア。


●"I retired because I felt I cannot go on."

●"The main reason is cramping and soreness in the whole body."

●"Really tried my best, but sometimes you can't fight against your own body."

●"I couldn't serve the way I served in the first two sets."

●"That third set I just started dropping 20, 30 kilometers per hour first serve. Obviously it was much easier for him to return."

●"Conditions were extreme today. It did affect more on me than him."

●"Circumstances were against me this time."

●"My mind wanted me to continue on. I could have stopped even before in the end of the second set, because I felt really bad. I continued on playing thinking that something could help me out, maybe a treatment and things like that. But just kept coming back."

●"He saw that longer rallies are not comfortable for me at that point, so he was using it wisely."

●"He's more aggressive on the return. He's improved. I think his new coach has an impact on that. He's been playing really well throughout the whole tournament."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:00 | コメント(3)| トラックバック(0)

Andy Murray(全豪09)

1月26日。メルボルン。Andy MurrayがFernando Verdascoに62、16、61、36、46。


●"I had my chances. He served incredible in the fourth and fifth sets. Even though I didn't play my best, in the second set and the beginning of the fourth set, I had chances to get back into the fourth set. Also had a chance to go up in the fifth set."

●"I think in the match, it's kind of similar to when I lost to Tsonga last year. I think I won more points throughout. So I obviously did have my chances. But sometimes guys serve too well or hit the ball too big. He played great when he was behind."

●"He served huge. He started serving like, 215 plus on a lot of his first serves. The fourth set, I think he served like 93% first serves. Sometimes you've just got to say too good, and he played better than me."

●"He's confident just now. Maybe he's thinking a little bit more on the court. He definitely was serving way better. When I played him in St. Petersburg, he doublefaulted like seven out of his first nine service points or something. He's serving huge serves today. That's probably the one thing that was better today than when I played him in the past."

●"The return's the best part of my game, and he didn't give me too many chances, which he had done in the past."

●"I don't think it was a physical thing why he won the match. He hits the ball very heavy from the back of the court. Because he was serving put a huge amount of first serves in, it was tougher for me to get inside the baseline, especially from the far side of the court where the wind was blowing."

●"The consistency of his first serve was pretty awesome for the last two, three sets. A lot of times he's sort of just kicking the serve in and putting a lot of slice on it and not going for too much. But he started to go for it huge in the fourth and fifth sets. He served very well when he was behind, which he hadn't done against me in the past. I wasn't necessarily expecting him to serve that well because it's not something that he's known for. But when he serves like that, he's going to be very tough to beat."

●"If you watched the breakpoint, I had to escape and hustle a lot of balls back. But I just couldn't sometimes get close enough to the baseline because he was hitting the ball so heavy."

●"You can't go for winners from three, four meters behind the baseline. If I could have got closer to the baseline, I would have had a better chance. But he hit the ball too big today."

●"It wasn't a physical thing why I lost. Even after being sick for the last few days, I thought I still came through the match well."

●"I don't think it was anything to do with physical, concentration or my game. He played too good for me. That's what happens. I'm not here to try to make excuses for why I lost."

●"If you're sick, there's some things you can't do as well as you might like. But you just have to deal with it. If you go on the court and play, then, you do everything that you can with what you've got. If it's good enough, it is. If not, unfortunately you're going to come out on the wrong side of the match."

▼「チャンスはあったけれど、Verdascoのサーブがこれまでになく良くて、ヘビートップスピンのボールがとても重たく、ベースライン内側に入っていくことが出来なかった。風邪の影響もあったけれど敗因は彼の好調なサーブにつきる、、」といった内容▼記者会見全文:▼上記以外にもコメントとして、「惨憺たるものとはまったく感じてなかった」("I didn't feel terrible at all.") とか、「大惨事ということでもない。まだいいプレーしているわけだから。競った試合で良いプレーヤーに負けたというだけのこと。」("It's not a disaster. I'm still playing well. I lost to a good player in a very close match.")といたって淡々とした様子。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:40 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Jelena Jankovic(全豪09)

1月25日。メルボルン。Jelena JankovicがMarion Bartoliに16、46。


●"I had some chances in the first set as well, but I just didn't take it. I gave her a lot of confidence throughout the match."

●"In the second set, I also had a lot of opportunities to come back and try to get in the game somehow."

●"I had a slow start. I let my opponent completely come on top of me and play her game."

●"I just started slow. I was completely not moving my feet. I was late on many shots. I was really not there, for some reason. I don't know why. When I tried to focus and get into the match, things just didn't work out for me."

●"I just couldn't do what I needed to do. Really wrong tactically. My shots were not where I wanted to be. I wanted to open up the court a lot more. I was just giving the shots like one meter away from her so that she can step in and hit those shots."

●"You need a little bit of luck as well, but overall played wrong tactically, didn't do what I was supposed to do to beat my opponent."

●"I let her hit all the shots that she wanted to. I let her play her game. I didn't do what I was supposed to do, and this was wrong for me. Couldn't get my rhythm out there."

●"She was the better one, and all the credit. She played really well, went for all her shots. Even played first and second serve the same. She hit whatever she could. So she knew that she had to do that in order to win, and it was her day."

●"She hit whatever she could. Her goal was just to get the first strike and go for it, because she knew if I get in the point she'll be in trouble."

▼記者会見全文は▼自分の立ち上がりが遅いときに、どうやって相手のプレーをさせないようにすればいいのか、Jankovicのコーチに聞いてみたいものです▼大会ニュース「Bartoli、Jankovicを全豪から追い出す」は▼"Nobody likes to lose."いやほんとに。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:59 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Amelie Mauresmo(全豪09)

1月24日。メルボルン。Amelie MauresmoがVictoria Azarenkaに46、26。


●"It's a little bit frustrating to come out with only six games today."

●"I did not play well enough the key points, whether it was in the first set or second set."

● "First set I had the lead early on, but then was not able to really keep it up not serving good enough. Then, having some opportunities, but didn't confirm them."

●"And then in the second set I was down, but then also had opportunities to go back closer to her and close the gap a little bit."

●"I guess today it's really the key points and the key moments that I didn't play good enough and that's a little bit disappointing."

●"She played a very good match."

●"I just thought that she, on her side, played a very good match. I mean, really intense and consistent and not giving away many points throughout the whole match."

▼たいしてゲームがとれなかったときに、これは使える▼大事なポイントでいいプレーを考えるのであれば、やはりスコアをきっちり覚えてないといけないのだが、いまだにこれが難しい。ボールを追っかけることばかりに気をとらわれず、頭を冷やしていま自分がどういうスコアのもとにあるのか把握せねば、、▼第一セット、第二セットとも試合の流れが簡潔に説明されていてさすがプロ▼"intense and consistent"であることはテニスのみならずいろいろ大事です▼Azarenkaの国ベラルーシ共和国は日本よりも小さい国で周辺国もそうそうたるメンツ揃い。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:32 | コメント(1)| トラックバック(0)

Fabrice Santoro(全豪09)

1月23日。メルボルン。Fabrice SantoroがAndy Roddickに36、46、26で3回戦敗退。


●"It was a great feeling, even though I lost the match, because first I have a lot of respect for Andy. It was a chance for me to finish here at Melbourne Park against him on a big court, instead of losing first round on an outside court against another player. So it was a good way of leaving the tournament and leaving Melbourne."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 01:02 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Kei Nishikori(全豪09)

1月20日。メルボルン。Kei NishikoriがJurgen Melzerに5-7、2-6、1-6で初戦敗退。


●"It was a little windy. I just didn't play well today."

●"I went too fast, I guess, tried to win too early. Too many unforced errors. I had so many chance."

●"I went a little down mentally, I couldn't make any balls. No first serves. I couldn't play well today."

●"I had a chance in the first set, 53, 54. If I had to get the game, maybe change, hold the game. But not many things today."

▼記者会見全文は▼大会サイトの関連ニュースタイトルは「Melzer melts Nishikori - Fast-rising Japanese teenager dumped from Australian Open 2009 by Austrian veteran Jurgen Melzer」(▼溶かされた、ポイされた、、日本の新聞ではちょっと書けないタイトル。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:37 | コメント(1)| トラックバック(0)

Kimiko Date Krumm(全豪09)

1月19日。メルボルン。Kimiko Date KrummがKaia Kanepiに4-6、6-4、6-8で一回戦敗退。


●"It's so close match. It was close match. I didn't know that almost three hours I was playing, because I like the hot place and I like more humid compared to qualifying."

●"So I didn't feel. Just concentrate the match. I just concentrate, so I didn't feel no bad. I didn't think about I will win or not, lose easy. Just concentrated today."

●"My body was moving very quite good. So just to enjoy to play. Of course, after losing, if I took one more point or four more points, of course it's a little bit disappointing."

●"It's not bad today. Of course, serve is a little bit problem. I just concentrate. She also has big serve. Sometimes, of course, difficult to control."

●"I can reaction, but difficult to control deep or angle. So little bit difficult to control."

▼楽しんでプレーしたことを強調されているようです▼記者会見全文は▼復帰理由はご主人の勧めによるとありました▼大会スポンサーは韓国自動車メーカー(Kia Motors)と女性向けシャンプー(Garnier)それに金融(GE Money)。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:04 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●"I felt I was kind of slow in the beginning. I got slow start and my legs were not moving as fast a usual. Usually I can always trust my fast legs, but today I felt that I was a little bit slower than yesterday."

●"I started to move better when I was down 5-3 in the second set."
● "I started to play much better from that on."
●"David was playing with good tempo as well, so that made it even tougher to get into the game. But then finally when I was almost losing the match I got my legs moving and finally won the second set."

●"I thought I could get the momentum in the third set as well. I had breakpoint in the first game of the third set and I didn't take it."
●"Then from 1-All, next three games are really tight and I lost them. I won one of them, but still, I couldn't get the momentum again."
●"I just lost those many tight games in the beginning, and then in the end he was better."
●"He was moving better and controlling the game. I felt that I couldn't -- I was just trying to hang in there, but I couldn't control the game anymore. He really deserved to win in the end."


日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:01 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●「彼はいま自分のテニスをしていますから、トップ10入り出来ると思いますよ。」:"I think his tennis is there and he can go into the top 10, he played well."

▼祝ガスケ復活▼大会▼この大会にはスポンサーがついていないようです。The Wonderful World Of Tennis Presents..とありましたけれど。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:30 | コメント(1)| トラックバック(0)