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Jelena Jankovic(全豪09)

1月25日。メルボルン。Jelena JankovicがMarion Bartoliに16、46。


●"I had some chances in the first set as well, but I just didn't take it. I gave her a lot of confidence throughout the match."

●"In the second set, I also had a lot of opportunities to come back and try to get in the game somehow."

●"I had a slow start. I let my opponent completely come on top of me and play her game."

●"I just started slow. I was completely not moving my feet. I was late on many shots. I was really not there, for some reason. I don't know why. When I tried to focus and get into the match, things just didn't work out for me."

●"I just couldn't do what I needed to do. Really wrong tactically. My shots were not where I wanted to be. I wanted to open up the court a lot more. I was just giving the shots like one meter away from her so that she can step in and hit those shots."

●"You need a little bit of luck as well, but overall played wrong tactically, didn't do what I was supposed to do to beat my opponent."

●"I let her hit all the shots that she wanted to. I let her play her game. I didn't do what I was supposed to do, and this was wrong for me. Couldn't get my rhythm out there."

●"She was the better one, and all the credit. She played really well, went for all her shots. Even played first and second serve the same. She hit whatever she could. So she knew that she had to do that in order to win, and it was her day."

●"She hit whatever she could. Her goal was just to get the first strike and go for it, because she knew if I get in the point she'll be in trouble."

▼記者会見全文は▼自分の立ち上がりが遅いときに、どうやって相手のプレーをさせないようにすればいいのか、Jankovicのコーチに聞いてみたいものです▼大会ニュース「Bartoli、Jankovicを全豪から追い出す」は▼"Nobody likes to lose."いやほんとに。
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