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James Blake(Indian Wells Open09)

3月16日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。James BlakeがFernando Gonzalezに57、16。


●"It's just a bad day. That's about it. He played well; I played badly. Just one of those -- it's relatively simple. Normally there's a few big points you can look back on. This was just a bad day. It hurts. Makes me want to get back on the practice court."

●"I think my serve was a big difference. I think I probably got about two, maybe three free points, in the whole second set on the first serve wasn't coming in. And when it was coming in, it wasn't hitting its spot. If I'm not getting any free points off of that, and he's as confident as he was playing after winning that first set, then it's going to be tough for me."

●"Today was another example of me not playing my best against him. But I don't really have a huge explanation for it. He just has played better than me on those days."

●"Just forget about tennis for a day or two, and then get back to the practice court and worry about getting better, not worried about what I did poorly today. I worry about improving, and just for the next day or two getting away from the game and being around my friends and hopefully just enjoying the rest of the world outside of tennis."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 07:21 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Elena Dementieva(Indian Wells09)

3月17日。Elena DementievaがPetra Cetkovskaに67、62、16。


●“I just feel like I probably shouldn’t have come here because … I just needed to take some time off and get ready and recover. I just needed a much longer break to get ready to play at my best.”

●“It was a very short period of time off after Dubai. When it was time to start practice again I was just too tired. That probably was the worst match for a long time for me.”

日記 | 投稿者 D304 06:27 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Svetlana Kuznetsova(Indian Wells Open09)

3月11日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。Svetlana Kuznetsova。


●"I felt I was not growing. It's not about titles, I wasn't growing in my game. I wanted to change. I was very tired of staying in the same place for so many years."

●"First of all, I wanted to go back to Moscow, so I wanted someone to stay with me in Moscow, not many Spanish people want to come to Moscow. Olga, she is perfect. She works very hard and puts a lot into her work."

●"I feel like I'm proving so many things, but let's see how long it takes to get it all on the court the way I want."

●"There's nothing negative. Nothing negative, I know I can improve so much and I'm just looking forward to next time and holding my serve at 5-3."

▼上記コメントを残した翌々日の3月13日。Urszula Radwanskaに26、64、36で一回戦負け▼前向きな気持ちのなかにもすこし溜息が聞こえてきそうな、、お疲れのご様子▼新コーチのOlga Morozovaは元祖ロシア女子テニス。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:16 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Maria Sharapova(Indian Wells Open09)

3月12日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。Maria Sharapova/Elena Vesnina組がEkaterina Makarova/Tatiana Poutchek組に16、54、710で一回戦負け。


●"It feels really good to be back, I came here to test it out and the hump I just want to get through right now is playing on court for several sets for two weeks."

●"You're going to have to notice the serve and hope your timing and feel of the ball gets better, that's exactly what I wanted to get out of there."

●"My main goal for here was to just get out into that atmosphere and crowd again."

●"There's so many things I didn't know about the doubles match: I didn't know about no ad at 40 at all. It's pretty bad when you don't know that the game is over; and that coaching between games I can't even keep a straight face."

●"It was definitely not an upset … I was just happy to be there."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:19 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Jelena Dokic(Indian Wells Open09)

3月9日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。Jelena Dokic がJill Craybas に46、26で一回戦負け。


●"I've been really struggling mentally and I just need to settle down and get myself together again."

●“I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do on the court right now, I've had no rest for six months and I'm tired mentally."

●"I've been really tired for the last few weeks. After Melbourne, I did a huge mistake with my schedule. I played Fed Cup and then didn't go home straight away."

●"Pretty much, I've played only tournaments for my own game and my own ranking since Australia and it's March. So it's a big mistake and I'm probably paying for it right now. With all that together, it's been six months since I've been home."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 01:24 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Dusan Vemic(Indian Wells Open09)

3月10日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。Dusan VemicがSebastien DeChaunacに16、57で本戦入りならず。


●"I haven't been playing my best tennis this year, but at least I know I tried and I tried to come back."

●"If it wasn't for the support I don't know if I could hang as long as I could."

●"It's a very important tournament, the fifth largest tournament in the world and you like to be in your top form for it."

●"It sometimes doesn't go your way, but you have to get up for it and do your best."

▼勝ったDeChaunacのコメント:"At first I was struggling with my serve, then the rhythm came in and I was able to break him twice. It was difficult to serve it out. I tried different strategy for the second set when I was up 5-4.”▼新しい冠スポンサーは仏系ながらカリフォルニア州でも傘下の子会社Bank of Westを通じてリテール・バンキングまで手がけている企業グループ。日本にも拠点がいくつかあるようですから日本の大会関係の方々もお願いに行っているのかも。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:45 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Andreas VinciguerraとMats Wilander(デ杯09)

3月8日。Malmo市(スウェーデン)。Andreas VinciguerraがHarel Levy に46、64、46、63、68で負けてスウェーデンはイスラエルに23敗退決定。


●“I don’t want to see a tennis racket or a tennis ball for a few days, maybe ever, if this had been a normal match in a tournament I probably given up after two sets.”(Andreas Vinciguerra)

●"I feel so sorry for Vinciguerra because he doesn’t have the chance like the rest of the guys to go to next tournament directly, do a good result and forget this. He is not playing regularly on the tour and under normal circumstances we would not ask Thomas and Vinci to play for their country coming back from injuries but the team spirit is fantastic and they wanted to play."(Mats Wilander監督)

▼溜息▼大会公式ニュース:▼Mats WilanderのSun Valley(米国アイダホ州)の自宅が8.5mi.US$で売りに出てます。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 09:01 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Stanilas Wawrinka(デ杯09)

3月8日。Birmingham(米国アラバマ州)。Stanilas WawrinkaがAndy Roddickに46、46、26。


●"I think Andy played a great match. He was serving very good. No mistakes from the baseline. It was tough and difficult for me to stay aggressive."

●"I'm a little tired with the two first days. It was tough to be aggressive and to come to the net a lot of times because that's what I need to do against Andy."

●"Today he was not only serving good, but he was playing very good. Like I said before, he never give me a point. I need to take every points. It was difficult to do that all the match."

●"The strategy was to attack him. When he give some short ball, you need to come to the net to take care of the balls, to push him a lot. He was playing too good for me today to do that."
日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:02 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




● "Nice statement. I think we don't really care about what they said, honestly. If they said that they're going to close, it's good for them.
I tell you that it's going to be 2-0 after the match of Stan tomorrow. That's my statement.(LUTHI監督)

●"They have been playing together against they basically born. So I think it's a big advantage. A big advantage that they have one lefty and one righty. I think it's huge in doubles. If you take all the best teams in the past, most of the time was one lefty and one righty. I think it's big.
Then they serve well and they're very strong at the net. It makes them tough to beat." (YVES ALLEGRO)

●"We try to be focused on the tiebreak and go for it. But I think they start very good. Then they were serving very good, so it was tough to come back to the tiebreak.
But we try the best, like always."(STANISLAS WAWRINKA)

●"Twice was very clear let. I don't understand how you cannot see that, or if the machine didn't work or whatever. They put machines, and then I cannot understand. From where I was sitting, it was a clear let. I mean, it was not even -- it was almost changing the direction. The third one was maybe not as clear, but I saw every time that Stan stopped to play, so that's why I was complaining. If I see something wrong going on, then I have to complain. That's my role. So I think it was nothing special. Was just a wrong call, as you always have in the game."(LUTHI監督)

日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:22 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

James Blake(デ杯09)

3月6日。Birmingham(米国アラバマ州)。James BlakeがStanislas Wawrinkaに63、46、36、67。


●"He served a lot better. My serve started being erratic. He was doing a good job when I was making first serves. Anytime he got his racquet on it, seems it was getting it back and putting it in play. When he was serving, a lot of first serves he hit their mark, were either aces or service winners."

●"I don't think I put enough pressure on his second serve to make him think about those first serves enough. He put a ton of pressure on my first serve just by making a whole lot of 'em. Maybe I was going for too much. I don't know. I just need to figure out why I was missing so many."

●"I did my best. I prepared the way I should. Just wasn't my day."

●"He didn't come in a lot, but he served great, which on a fast court is going to be pretty effective. I think that was probably the biggest thing. I like to get looks at second serves and take rips and move in on those. He didn't give me a ton of opportunities, taking me out of the those service games by making so many first serves. That was very effective on a fast court."

●"Another thing he did well, although he didn't come into net, he was doing a great job of taking my pace and moving the ball still, not just kind of floating it. A lot of times I'd hit good second-serve returns, guys are going to float it a little more. He stood on the baseline and ripped. On a fast court, I guess you got to do that. He did it very effectively today."

●"In the first set, I think he had one or two breakpoints. Didn't convert them. I had one or two and converted. Second set, it just comes down to who converts those big points a little bit more. You want to give yourself those opportunities. The more opportunities you have, obviously the better your chances. If you can just be real solid on those points and convert your chances, you're gonna come out on top more times than not."

▼相手のサービス・エースは多い上に1stサーブの確率も高い。自分のほうは決め焦るばかり。自分がどんなに効果的な2ndサーブを打ってもネットこそとりこなかったもののバチンと打ってくる。第一セットではチャンスをものにしたけれど、以降はそれも出来ず▼デ杯はともかくいつものツアーでの負けたときの対処方法について:"On the normal tour, I'd probably go off and be alone for a while. My real close friends to know to stay away from me at least a couple hours after a loss. My coach knows the same. I kind of think what I could have done differently. I kind of give myself at least a few hours to just go over it in my head. Then once that's done, you realize that there's nothing you can do. There's no point in dwelling on it. It's not going -- you can't go back in time and change it. All you can do is learn from it. You think about what you went over in your head for those two or three hours, know what going forward you can change."▼人柄。頭脳明晰。基本的に前向き。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 01:29 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Victor Crivoi(Davis Cup09)

3月6日。Sala Transilvania(ルーマニア)。Victor CrivoiがMarat Safinに6-7、4-6、4-6。


●"I couldn't believe I could win... but Safin is good player. He had strong shots, it was very tough to play him, because today he made 20 aces almost, I made like 10 or 8, I don't know..but the key of the match was service."

●"He was a bit stronger than me...he is experienced..he was No.1...he knows how to play at tough moments and the surface is not my favorite one, I like the most is slow hard court."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:07 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Williams姉妹(Indian Wellsオープン09)



●“I don’t feel I’m wanted there, and most of all I don’t want to be there, I prefer not to go. It’s as simple as that. I don’t like the way I was treated.”(Venus)

●“I honestly don’t think they would want me to go, I wouldn’t have anything positive to say. It would be kind of shooting themselves in the foot. Some things you have to stand up for. There’s been a lot of people in the past that are my race that have stood up for a lot more than not playing Indian Wells. That’s the least I can do.”(Serena)

●“I won’t be able to say anything positive about Indian Wells, if they really want me to promote it, then honestly, I don’t know what to say.”(Serena)

▼2001年同大会の対Serena戦・準決勝開始直前になってVenusが棄権したあと観客から人種差別的罵声を浴びた一件。未だに解決してなかったんですね▼Shahar Peer問題の次はWilliams姉妹対Indian Wells問題▼WTA大変。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:52 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Gael Monfils(メキシコ・オープン09)

2月28日。Acapulco(Mexico)。Gael MonfilsがNicolas Almagroに46、46で準優勝。


●"When I get to the final I have a hard time, today in particular I didn't handle it well. I wasn't aggressive enough but it's something I will work on and hopefully get better at."

●"I played well today, every time I have come to an end I weighed heavily the mental aspect and I could not get my best tennis, that is Almagro a great player on clay. "

日記 | 投稿者 D304 08:57 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Venus Williams(Billie Jean King Cup'09)

3月2日。マンハッタン(米国ニューヨーク州)。Venus WilliamsがSerena Williamsに4-6、3-6で準優勝。


●"I tried but Serena was too good."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 12:04 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Evgeny Korolev(Delray Beach国際09)

3月1日。Delray Beach(米国フロリダ州)。Evgeny KorolevがMardy Fish に57、36で準優勝。


●“Mardy played very, very clever.”

●“I think he was more comfortable with the conditions, I played the week well, especially from the quarters on. Hewas the better player today.”

●"The conditions were tough especially for my game.''

●"I go for the ball but with the wind like today I couldn't go for much because the ball was jumping all over. I couldn't control it and Mardy played very clever.''

●“When he passed away I promised myself when I reached a final or win a tournament I dedicate it to him, all my wins go out to him. It’s very emotional. He was two-and-a-half weeks old. I learned a couple of things from him; that you have to fight and how to appreciate every day that I’ve lived.”

▼予選からの決勝進出▼Anna Kournikovaの従兄弟▼他界した甥に捧げた試合▼大会公式ニュース:
日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:58 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Flavia Pennetta(Mexican Open’09)

2月28日。Acapulco(Mexico)。Flavia PennettaがVenus Williamsに16、26で準優勝。


●"What happened to me? Venus Williams is what happened to me. The No. 5 player in the world is what happened to me!"

●"She was just playing so strong, serving so well, it was hard to fight against her power."

●"I didn't feel I played badly, she just overpowered me."

●"She had an incredible percentage of first serves, not hardly ever failed, I was crazy with all the shots that I was doing, not in the rhythm no time and gave me no chance of anything, if she plays well it is almost impossible to beat."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:28 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Gilles Simon(ドバイ・オープン09)

2月27日。ドバイ(UAE)。Gilles SimonがNovak Djokovicに63、57、57。


●“ I was one set up, I was playing far better than him, because he did so many mistakes from the baseline. In the first and the second set, I had so many chances to break, and I didn't do it. So that's why finally I lose this match.”

●“I played good in the first set, but finally, then I felt that I had the opportunities to have the break in the second set, and I didn't manage to do it. Finally I played slower and slower and slower, so finally he had the chance to play better every time, and that's why he played his best tennis at the end of the match, even if he's exhausted.”

▼メンタル・タフネス度ならDjokovic。'顔つき'だけでもわかるような気がします▼Djokovicのコメント:“I think I fought my way through in the match, really believed till the end, and mentally this is a very important win for me.”▼大会公式ニュース:
日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:03 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)