Dusan Vemic(Indian Wells Open09)
3月10日。Indian Wells(米国カリフォルニア州)。Dusan VemicがSebastien DeChaunacに16、57で本戦入りならず。
●"I haven't been playing my best tennis this year, but at least I know I tried and I tried to come back."
●"If it wasn't for the support I don't know if I could hang as long as I could."
●"It's a very important tournament, the fifth largest tournament in the world and you like to be in your top form for it."
●"It sometimes doesn't go your way, but you have to get up for it and do your best."
▼勝ったDeChaunacのコメント:"At first I was struggling with my serve, then the rhythm came in and I was able to break him twice. It was difficult to serve it out. I tried different strategy for the second set when I was up 5-4.”▼新しい冠スポンサーは仏系ながらカリフォルニア州でも傘下の子会社Bank of Westを通じてリテール・バンキングまで手がけている企業グループ。日本にも拠点がいくつかあるようですから日本の大会関係の方々もお願いに行っているのかも。
●"I haven't been playing my best tennis this year, but at least I know I tried and I tried to come back."
●"If it wasn't for the support I don't know if I could hang as long as I could."
●"It's a very important tournament, the fifth largest tournament in the world and you like to be in your top form for it."
●"It sometimes doesn't go your way, but you have to get up for it and do your best."
▼勝ったDeChaunacのコメント:"At first I was struggling with my serve, then the rhythm came in and I was able to break him twice. It was difficult to serve it out. I tried different strategy for the second set when I was up 5-4.”▼新しい冠スポンサーは仏系ながらカリフォルニア州でも傘下の子会社Bank of Westを通じてリテール・バンキングまで手がけている企業グループ。日本にも拠点がいくつかあるようですから日本の大会関係の方々もお願いに行っているのかも。