Sam Querrey(Delray Beach International’09)
2月26日。DELRAY BEACH(米国フロリダ州)。Sam QuerreyがChristophe Rochus に46、16。
●"When things go wrong, it's hard to pick yourself back up, and you can't get yourself out of that slump."
●"He played well, he comes up with good shots, he comes to the net. He has those cocky, arrogant backhand drop shots, it's annoying."
●"There were four or five times that he caught my first serve just as clean as a whistle."
▼「状況を好転させることは大変だし、彼のプレーも良かったから。リターンなんかちょっと当たり過ぎという感じはあったけど、、」といったところ▼対するRochusのコメントが◎:"I cannot win on my strength so I have to play tennis like a chess game, I have to think more to find a solution."▼これは見たい。
●"When things go wrong, it's hard to pick yourself back up, and you can't get yourself out of that slump."
●"He played well, he comes up with good shots, he comes to the net. He has those cocky, arrogant backhand drop shots, it's annoying."
●"There were four or five times that he caught my first serve just as clean as a whistle."
▼「状況を好転させることは大変だし、彼のプレーも良かったから。リターンなんかちょっと当たり過ぎという感じはあったけど、、」といったところ▼対するRochusのコメントが◎:"I cannot win on my strength so I have to play tennis like a chess game, I have to think more to find a solution."▼これは見たい。
Andy Murray(ドバイ・オープン09)
2月25日。DUBAI(United Arab Emirates)。Andy Murrayが棄権。
●“I got it first down in Australia, and I haven’t been the same really since, I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. I got some anti-viral medication from the doctor … but it didn’t help so much.”
●“In between the sets, I felt so tired, really weak. When the adrenaline sort of wore off, I felt just very cold and sort of shivery. So obviously, felt my temperature was up. My body was just aching a little bit. I need to take some time off.”
●“Ill see how I feel and give it my best shot to get ready.”
●“I got it first down in Australia, and I haven’t been the same really since, I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. I got some anti-viral medication from the doctor … but it didn’t help so much.”
●“In between the sets, I felt so tired, really weak. When the adrenaline sort of wore off, I felt just very cold and sort of shivery. So obviously, felt my temperature was up. My body was just aching a little bit. I need to take some time off.”
●“Ill see how I feel and give it my best shot to get ready.”
Lleyton Hewitt(DELRAY BEACH OPEN09)
2月24日。DELRAY BEACH(米国フロリダ州)。Lleyton HewittがYen-Hsun Lu に57、62、26。
●"Last week I hit the ball as well as I could hit when I was 100 percent fit before getting injured, that was huge."
●“I’m pretty happy with the way I played last week, I’m trying to play more tournaments to get into the routine to playing back-to-back matches. Obviously, it’s going to take time to get back to your best after any kind of surgery.”
▼Lleyton Hewittが復活途上とはいえ、Yen-Hsun Luが頑張ってます▼大会公式サイト:http://www.yellowtennisball.com/online/▼かなり賑々しい印象のトップページ▼冠スポンサーにDELRAY BEACH市を据え、高級自動車メーカーの現地販社をクレジット、他にもその他多数。良く集めました▼ボレー・ガールや販促キャンペーン・ガールの導入等々、あの手この手の大会運営努力があるようです。
●"Last week I hit the ball as well as I could hit when I was 100 percent fit before getting injured, that was huge."
●“I’m pretty happy with the way I played last week, I’m trying to play more tournaments to get into the routine to playing back-to-back matches. Obviously, it’s going to take time to get back to your best after any kind of surgery.”
▼Lleyton Hewittが復活途上とはいえ、Yen-Hsun Luが頑張ってます▼大会公式サイト:http://www.yellowtennisball.com/online/▼かなり賑々しい印象のトップページ▼冠スポンサーにDELRAY BEACH市を据え、高級自動車メーカーの現地販社をクレジット、他にもその他多数。良く集めました▼ボレー・ガールや販促キャンペーン・ガールの導入等々、あの手この手の大会運営努力があるようです。
Juan Monaco(Buenos Aires Open09)
2月22日。Buenos Aires(アルゼンチン)。Juan MonacoがTommy Robredoに57、62、67で準優勝。
●"I'm upset for missing so many opportunities. I had the control in most of the points but he played better in the tie-break."
▼これは、、悔しそう▼Robredoのコメント:"Coming back from the rain break I felt a bit tired, all of a sudden I wasn't moving as well. But in the third set I picked back up and played great tennis."▼大会公式サイトは英語版こそないもののドロー表とか大会スナップ写真などの表示方法はなかなか力入ってます▼冠スポンサーは電話、次いで石油と観光庁。あとは投資銀行、自動車、航空、銀行、スポーツ飲料、スポーツ衣料、新聞、中古自動車販売、テニスボール、ホテル、医療サービス、清涼飲料、ラジオ、飲料水、医薬品と充実のラインナップ。
●"I'm upset for missing so many opportunities. I had the control in most of the points but he played better in the tie-break."
▼これは、、悔しそう▼Robredoのコメント:"Coming back from the rain break I felt a bit tired, all of a sudden I wasn't moving as well. But in the third set I picked back up and played great tennis."▼大会公式サイトは英語版こそないもののドロー表とか大会スナップ写真などの表示方法はなかなか力入ってます▼冠スポンサーは電話、次いで石油と観光庁。あとは投資銀行、自動車、航空、銀行、スポーツ飲料、スポーツ衣料、新聞、中古自動車販売、テニスボール、ホテル、医療サービス、清涼飲料、ラジオ、飲料水、医薬品と充実のラインナップ。
Radek Stepanek(Memphis Open09)
2月22日。MEMPHIS(米国テネシー州)。Radek StepanekがAndy Roddickに5-7、5-7で準優勝。
●“I had no doubts I wouldn’t break him back, I had a lot of chances today to break him and didn’t convert them. That was the biggest difference between the two of us.”
●"I don't think I played worse than he did in San Jose, the only difference was in the important points, but I was still confident until the last point was played."
●"His game is based around his serve and he served really well when he had to."
●“Since he said I was the best player throughout those two weeks, I said, `OK, maybe I keep it maybe.’ But no. He deserved it.”
▼Roddickの新コーチLarry Stefankiはアメリカ人だったんですね。
●“I had no doubts I wouldn’t break him back, I had a lot of chances today to break him and didn’t convert them. That was the biggest difference between the two of us.”
●"I don't think I played worse than he did in San Jose, the only difference was in the important points, but I was still confident until the last point was played."
●"His game is based around his serve and he served really well when he had to."
●“Since he said I was the best player throughout those two weeks, I said, `OK, maybe I keep it maybe.’ But no. He deserved it.”
▼Roddickの新コーチLarry Stefankiはアメリカ人だったんですね。
Michael Llodra(Open13・09)
2月21日。マルセイユ(仏)。Michael LlodraがJo-Wilfried Tsongaに57、67で準優勝。
●“It was really close, but I did not land enough first serves to trouble him.”
●“The accumulation of singles and doubles matches is not easy to handle.”
●"He was stronger, today, it was down to a few points, I did not serve well enough."
▼大会公式サイト(www.open13.fr)は仏英対応▼サイトを見る限り、スポンサーはブーシュ=デュ=ローヌ県の商工会議所Conseil General 13のように見えます▼県の商工会議所でも資金さえあれば国際大会のスポンサーになれるんですね▼マルセイユの冬季観光促進事業といったところでしょうか。
●“It was really close, but I did not land enough first serves to trouble him.”
●“The accumulation of singles and doubles matches is not easy to handle.”
●"He was stronger, today, it was down to a few points, I did not serve well enough."
▼大会公式サイト(www.open13.fr)は仏英対応▼サイトを見る限り、スポンサーはブーシュ=デュ=ローヌ県の商工会議所Conseil General 13のように見えます▼県の商工会議所でも資金さえあれば国際大会のスポンサーになれるんですね▼マルセイユの冬季観光促進事業といったところでしょうか。
番外:Colm McLoughlin(Dubai Tennis Championships09)
2月20日。Dubai Tennis ChampionshipsがWTAからShahar Peer問題に関連し罰金30万ドルと来年の大会開催に関する保証金200万ドルの支払命令を受ける。
Colm McLoughlin氏(大会Managing Director)
●"There is an appeal situation within the WTA rules but we haven't gone into detail on anything yet."
●"We would point out that we were among the first tournaments to give equal prize money to women and that the event has raised prize money this year from 1.5 million to 2 million dollars. The company is also a worldwide sponsor of the WTA."
●"It has not yet been decided if we will appeal."
●"Dubai Duty Free does not issue visas, we only help where possible. We had not really expected a situation like this."
▼今回のイスラエル選手問題、WTAが大会運営者に罰金を科すという展開に発展中▼ドバイ・オープンはドバイ空港免税店により運営▼上記コメントのColm McLoughlin氏は60歳代のアイルランド人▼空港免税店のオーナーにはお金持ちが多いことが知られていますが、ドバイ店は世界でもトップクラスの売り上げとか。
Colm McLoughlin氏(大会Managing Director)
●"There is an appeal situation within the WTA rules but we haven't gone into detail on anything yet."
●"We would point out that we were among the first tournaments to give equal prize money to women and that the event has raised prize money this year from 1.5 million to 2 million dollars. The company is also a worldwide sponsor of the WTA."
●"It has not yet been decided if we will appeal."
●"Dubai Duty Free does not issue visas, we only help where possible. We had not really expected a situation like this."
▼今回のイスラエル選手問題、WTAが大会運営者に罰金を科すという展開に発展中▼ドバイ・オープンはドバイ空港免税店により運営▼上記コメントのColm McLoughlin氏は60歳代のアイルランド人▼空港免税店のオーナーにはお金持ちが多いことが知られていますが、ドバイ店は世界でもトップクラスの売り上げとか。
Suarez Navarro(Copa Colsanitas 09)
2月18日。BOGOTA(コロンビア共和国)。Suarez NavarroがBetina Jozamiに0-4で棄権。
●"I've been undergoing physiotherapy and withdrew from the doubles on Wednesday in hopes of improving but it was no good."
●"I've been undergoing physiotherapy and withdrew from the doubles on Wednesday in hopes of improving but it was no good."
番外:Larry Scott・WTA会長(ドバイ・オープン09)
Larry Scott・WTA会長がShahar Peer問題についてコメント:
●“It’s a complicated world we live in.”
●"Money does not factor into it. This is an issue related to principles, related to fairness to our athletes and being sensitive to what the affected player wants."
●"Practically speaking, our athletes were already there ready to play ... and we did not really have much time to react to the situation. Just because Shahar was penalised she did not want to see all her fellow players penalised."
●"That's what went into the decision to let this tournament carry on this year. It will be clear this is an issue of principle that rises above any economic concerns or issues and that will be clear in the way we handle this."
●"I don't want anyone to misinterpret that ... we let the tournament carry on with any sense of complacency or acceptance of this issue. Shahar certainly expects us to deal with it very clearly and firmly for the future which we will."
●"Our actions will be clear in the future and we will be happy to be judged by that."
●"I had hoped in this day and age that sporting principles would be recognised as separate from politics and this is a big step back, it's a big step back for the region and a reality check for everyone that political influences will try to be imposed on sports from time to time."
●"It's a lesson learned within the world of tennis and I think beyond as other sporting organisation are certainly going to pay attention to this and proceed accordingly."
●"If Dubai does not back down, I'm sure there would be significant financial implications for us but from my perspective, this can't happen again regardless of any economic impact. It just can't happen again."
●“We knew it was an issue, but we made it clear that she was going to be in the draw and we wanted to be optimistic that she would get the visa, then they waited until the 11th hour to deny it.”
●“Peer and her family didn’t want all the players to be harmed because of one, we talked to our players and told them that something terrible has happened here, but every single one would be punished if we were to cancel.”
●“I made it clear to them that if Shahar were not allowed to play, they would run the risk of losing their tournament, it would be a big blow to lose one of this prestige and money, but if it comes to the principles of fairness and openness, there can be no compromise.”
▼英系および米系ニュースメディアでドバイ・オープンのイスラエル選手問題が強い調子で取り上げられています▼Shahar Peerの入国は拒否されたままAndy RamだけOKという結果になってしまったようです▼WTAやATPが国際問題の渦中になるのはこれが初めてではないと思いますけど、きな臭い世の中。
●“It’s a complicated world we live in.”
●"Money does not factor into it. This is an issue related to principles, related to fairness to our athletes and being sensitive to what the affected player wants."
●"Practically speaking, our athletes were already there ready to play ... and we did not really have much time to react to the situation. Just because Shahar was penalised she did not want to see all her fellow players penalised."
●"That's what went into the decision to let this tournament carry on this year. It will be clear this is an issue of principle that rises above any economic concerns or issues and that will be clear in the way we handle this."
●"I don't want anyone to misinterpret that ... we let the tournament carry on with any sense of complacency or acceptance of this issue. Shahar certainly expects us to deal with it very clearly and firmly for the future which we will."
●"Our actions will be clear in the future and we will be happy to be judged by that."
●"I had hoped in this day and age that sporting principles would be recognised as separate from politics and this is a big step back, it's a big step back for the region and a reality check for everyone that political influences will try to be imposed on sports from time to time."
●"It's a lesson learned within the world of tennis and I think beyond as other sporting organisation are certainly going to pay attention to this and proceed accordingly."
●"If Dubai does not back down, I'm sure there would be significant financial implications for us but from my perspective, this can't happen again regardless of any economic impact. It just can't happen again."
●“We knew it was an issue, but we made it clear that she was going to be in the draw and we wanted to be optimistic that she would get the visa, then they waited until the 11th hour to deny it.”
●“Peer and her family didn’t want all the players to be harmed because of one, we talked to our players and told them that something terrible has happened here, but every single one would be punished if we were to cancel.”
●“I made it clear to them that if Shahar were not allowed to play, they would run the risk of losing their tournament, it would be a big blow to lose one of this prestige and money, but if it comes to the principles of fairness and openness, there can be no compromise.”
▼英系および米系ニュースメディアでドバイ・オープンのイスラエル選手問題が強い調子で取り上げられています▼Shahar Peerの入国は拒否されたままAndy RamだけOKという結果になってしまったようです▼WTAやATPが国際問題の渦中になるのはこれが初めてではないと思いますけど、きな臭い世の中。
Taylor Dent(Memphis Open09)
2月17日。Memphis(米国テネシー州)。Taylor DentがErnests Gulbisに46、63、26。
●'If you would tell me I'd have my protected ranking for another nine tournaments, I'd say, 'Oh, okay, no big deal, but this was the last one. I wanted to have some big results here and last week in San Jose, but things rarely go according to plan."
●''I'm not afraid to take a step back and play Futures and Challengers. I think I'm playing well enough to competing with these guys on the ATP World Tour. Stepanek has won a few tournaments this year and when we're playing practice sets I feel like I'm all over it.''
●''It's a work in progress, unfortunately you end up learning a lot after these losses. It was an unusual thing for me. Since I've come back my first serve has been totally dominant. I haven't even worked on it that much. Today it couldn't have been further from the truth."
▼デント、復活を期してサーキット再転戦も辞さずの覚悟▼同日、Marcos Baghdatisに負けたKei Nishikoriは試合中に携帯電話(リサーチ・イン・モーション製スマートフォン「ブラックベリー」)を鳴らしてしまったことについて:"I just bought a Blackberry ... and I didn't know how to turn it off, I felt bad. I just took the battery out.''▼大会スポンサーは銀行、通信、飲料メーカー。男女共催でプライベート・テニスクラブが試合会場▼大会サイト:www.rmkchampionships.com
●'If you would tell me I'd have my protected ranking for another nine tournaments, I'd say, 'Oh, okay, no big deal, but this was the last one. I wanted to have some big results here and last week in San Jose, but things rarely go according to plan."
●''I'm not afraid to take a step back and play Futures and Challengers. I think I'm playing well enough to competing with these guys on the ATP World Tour. Stepanek has won a few tournaments this year and when we're playing practice sets I feel like I'm all over it.''
●''It's a work in progress, unfortunately you end up learning a lot after these losses. It was an unusual thing for me. Since I've come back my first serve has been totally dominant. I haven't even worked on it that much. Today it couldn't have been further from the truth."
▼デント、復活を期してサーキット再転戦も辞さずの覚悟▼同日、Marcos Baghdatisに負けたKei Nishikoriは試合中に携帯電話(リサーチ・イン・モーション製スマートフォン「ブラックベリー」)を鳴らしてしまったことについて:"I just bought a Blackberry ... and I didn't know how to turn it off, I felt bad. I just took the battery out.''▼大会スポンサーは銀行、通信、飲料メーカー。男女共催でプライベート・テニスクラブが試合会場▼大会サイト:www.rmkchampionships.com
Mardy Fish(San Jose Open09)
2月15日。SAN JOSE(米国カリフォルニア州)。Mardy FishがRadek Stepanekに63、46、26で準優勝。
●"I didn't think he was injured at all."
●"If you took a tally of how many times he has called for the trainer in his career, it would be pretty high."
●"He looked fine. I'd be shocked if he didn't call a timeout when I was up a set. It's par for the course and viewed as unsportsmanlike by everybody on the tour."
●"That was definitely the worst set I played all week."
●"Like Andy Murray, he's not going to blow you away with a big serve or big forehand and is aware of what he does best. He stays within his limits."
●"He called a trainer against James Blake in L.A. for his back and did the Worm after the match. You know what you're going to get. I'd be really surprised if he had gone with the flow of the match. I was playing well."
●"I played every set this week about as good as I could have against a lot of good players, The third set definitely was the worst set I played all week. Everything went -- starting with my leg, my feet. You stop moving, you get a little tight. You get so close to winning this. To say it doesn't creep in your mind that you remember some of those losses you have in all those finals -- I have 10 losses in all those finals -- that's a lot."
●"There are guys that are renowned for it, you understand what they're doing. They're just trying to throw the rhythm off. It's unfortunate that it happens, but it's also unfortunate that you call the trainer before someone else's serve. It's tough because he's a good enough player where you've got to worry about him."
●"I didn't think he was injured at all."
●"If you took a tally of how many times he has called for the trainer in his career, it would be pretty high."
●"He looked fine. I'd be shocked if he didn't call a timeout when I was up a set. It's par for the course and viewed as unsportsmanlike by everybody on the tour."
●"That was definitely the worst set I played all week."
●"Like Andy Murray, he's not going to blow you away with a big serve or big forehand and is aware of what he does best. He stays within his limits."
●"He called a trainer against James Blake in L.A. for his back and did the Worm after the match. You know what you're going to get. I'd be really surprised if he had gone with the flow of the match. I was playing well."
●"I played every set this week about as good as I could have against a lot of good players, The third set definitely was the worst set I played all week. Everything went -- starting with my leg, my feet. You stop moving, you get a little tight. You get so close to winning this. To say it doesn't creep in your mind that you remember some of those losses you have in all those finals -- I have 10 losses in all those finals -- that's a lot."
●"There are guys that are renowned for it, you understand what they're doing. They're just trying to throw the rhythm off. It's unfortunate that it happens, but it's also unfortunate that you call the trainer before someone else's serve. It's tough because he's a good enough player where you've got to worry about him."
Rafael Nadal(Rotterdam open09)
2月15日。Rotterdam(オランダ)。Rafael NadalがAndy Murrayに3-6、4-6、0-6で準優勝。
●"I had a problem with the injury but I don't want to talk about that. Andy played very well today and he deserved to win the tournament."
●"Murray just played better today."
●"I tried but couldn't give anything more in the third set."
●"I don't think that this injury will be a serious problem, for sure it is not the same as last year."
●"It was an option not to finish the match, but that is not a good way to finish a final, not for me not for Andy and not for the crowd."
▼大会公式サイト:http://www.abnamrowtt.nl/content.cfm?pers_id=133&lang=1&cat=▼“I am sorry for Rafael..”はさすが英国人▼84年以来のトップシード対決の決勝戦▼途中右膝故障にもかかわらず最後までやってくれたわけですからさすが▼興行的にも◎。
●"I had a problem with the injury but I don't want to talk about that. Andy played very well today and he deserved to win the tournament."
●"Murray just played better today."
●"I tried but couldn't give anything more in the third set."
●"I don't think that this injury will be a serious problem, for sure it is not the same as last year."
●"It was an option not to finish the match, but that is not a good way to finish a final, not for me not for Andy and not for the crowd."
▼大会公式サイト:http://www.abnamrowtt.nl/content.cfm?pers_id=133&lang=1&cat=▼“I am sorry for Rafael..”はさすが英国人▼84年以来のトップシード対決の決勝戦▼途中右膝故障にもかかわらず最後までやってくれたわけですからさすが▼興行的にも◎。
Jimmy Arias(Outback Champions Series09)
2月13日。BOSTON(米国マサチューセッツ州)。Jimmy AriasがJohn McEnroeに3-6、4-6。
●"I thought it was a decent match."
●"He didn’t serve as well as he could normally."
●"We had some good points and good shots."
●"I’m struggling with my body right now it broke down 4-3 in the first set and I think that annoyed him that I was hanging on."
▼50歳目前に控えたMcEnroeもかなり辛そう:"I’m sort of disjointed right now and the rhythm isn’t there."▼"I haven’t played a match in three months."▼"The flow and the feel isn’t where it needs to be. I need to step it up."▼"I’ve been struggling with a some arm and elbow stuff- I am just getting old. It’s doesn’t get any easier."▼両者とも普段使いによさそうなコメントの数々でした。
●"I thought it was a decent match."
●"He didn’t serve as well as he could normally."
●"We had some good points and good shots."
●"I’m struggling with my body right now it broke down 4-3 in the first set and I think that annoyed him that I was hanging on."
▼50歳目前に控えたMcEnroeもかなり辛そう:"I’m sort of disjointed right now and the rhythm isn’t there."▼"I haven’t played a match in three months."▼"The flow and the feel isn’t where it needs to be. I need to step it up."▼"I’ve been struggling with a some arm and elbow stuff- I am just getting old. It’s doesn’t get any easier."▼両者とも普段使いによさそうなコメントの数々でした。
Kei Nishikori(SAP Open 09)
2月12日。SAN JOSE(米国カリフォルニア州)。Kei NishikoriがJuan Martin del Potroに2-6、2-6。
●"He's getting stronger."
● "I just felt like I couldn't make winners against him."
●"He moves well."
●"I couldn't find my rhythm and made a lot of unforced errors."
●"He's getting stronger."
● "I just felt like I couldn't make winners against him."
●"He moves well."
●"I couldn't find my rhythm and made a lot of unforced errors."
Pete Sampras(SAP Open 09)
2月9日。SAN JOSE(米国カリフォルニア州)。Pete SamprasがTommy Haasに76、46、1012。
●"It was odd unfortunate, because I kind of had control of the point."
●"The way I was breathing, I was huffing and puffing like an old man, It's a lot of work being No. 1 at 25 let alone trying to do it at 37."
●"It's a challenge for me to keep up with these guys; they do it every day. I do it once a month. It's tougher for me to move around and recover from some of these points. (But) it keeps me in shape. It's good for me. I'm not looking for anything more than just going out and having some fun and playing well."
●"It was odd unfortunate, because I kind of had control of the point."
●"The way I was breathing, I was huffing and puffing like an old man, It's a lot of work being No. 1 at 25 let alone trying to do it at 37."
●"It's a challenge for me to keep up with these guys; they do it every day. I do it once a month. It's tougher for me to move around and recover from some of these points. (But) it keeps me in shape. It's good for me. I'm not looking for anything more than just going out and having some fun and playing well."
Andrea Stoppini(SAP Open09)
2月11日。San Jose(米国カリフォルニア州)。Andrea StoppiniがJuan Martin del Potroに6-7、6-7。
●"I played against a super good player."
●"Maybe he didn't play his best. But I played him, and it was close."
●"I played against a super good player."
●"Maybe he didn't play his best. But I played him, and it was close."
Mario Ancic(PBZ Zagreb Indoors09)
2月8日。ZAGREB(クロアチア)。Mario AncicがMarin Cilicに36、46。
●"The beginning of the match was maybe decisive. If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance. I can only congratulate him."
●"There are no secrets: Marin played better. He was in control throughout the match and played on very high level."
●"It was mission impossible for me after very tough match I played yesterday evening."
▼Cilicは絶好調▼Ancicも復活▼"If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance."みたいな言い方は、友人のあまりの好調さをたたえるときにでも試してみます。
●"The beginning of the match was maybe decisive. If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance. I can only congratulate him."
●"There are no secrets: Marin played better. He was in control throughout the match and played on very high level."
●"It was mission impossible for me after very tough match I played yesterday evening."
▼Cilicは絶好調▼Ancicも復活▼"If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance."みたいな言い方は、友人のあまりの好調さをたたえるときにでも試してみます。
Amelie Mauresmo(FedCup09)
2月7日。Orleans(仏)。Amelie MauresmoがFlavia Pennettaに62、67、46。
●"She gave the finger -- she should have been removed right away."
●"That behavior is shameful and unacceptable."
●"I'm disappointed and frustrated because I had opportunities and I had the match under control."
●"Even after I lost the second set, I was leading 4-1 in the third. And yet I didn't manage to finish heroff."
●"When (Zinedine) Zidane headbutts (Marco) Materazzi (in the 2006 World Cup soccer final) he's kicked out. It's crystal clear. To me (this decision) isunacceptable."
●"I lost my rhythm because we had to wait (for play to resume) but I'm not looking forexcuses."
▼Pennettaも言い訳してます:"I am not pleased with myself but that's the first time such a thing has happened to me -- it was a gruelling match from the start and I lost control as I really thought the ball was in." ▼仏の監督もがんばってます:"We have prepared a letter for the supervisor to have the result of the match revised, It's a shame to see such a gesture and to hear such words in a sports arena. To me it's a straight red card. There is no need for a warning or a penalty point."▼YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbPoRu3qGY0&eurl=http://video.google.com/videosearch?sa=N&tab=nv&q=Flavia%20Pennetta%20finger▼ダブルス仲間でいつも微妙なセルフ・ジャッジで論争をくりひろげてしまう奴がいるのを思い出しました。さすがに指は立てませんけど。
●"She gave the finger -- she should have been removed right away."
●"That behavior is shameful and unacceptable."
●"I'm disappointed and frustrated because I had opportunities and I had the match under control."
●"Even after I lost the second set, I was leading 4-1 in the third. And yet I didn't manage to finish heroff."
●"When (Zinedine) Zidane headbutts (Marco) Materazzi (in the 2006 World Cup soccer final) he's kicked out. It's crystal clear. To me (this decision) isunacceptable."
●"I lost my rhythm because we had to wait (for play to resume) but I'm not looking forexcuses."
▼Pennettaも言い訳してます:"I am not pleased with myself but that's the first time such a thing has happened to me -- it was a gruelling match from the start and I lost control as I really thought the ball was in." ▼仏の監督もがんばってます:"We have prepared a letter for the supervisor to have the result of the match revised, It's a shame to see such a gesture and to hear such words in a sports arena. To me it's a straight red card. There is no need for a warning or a penalty point."▼YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbPoRu3qGY0&eurl=http://video.google.com/videosearch?sa=N&tab=nv&q=Flavia%20Pennetta%20finger▼ダブルス仲間でいつも微妙なセルフ・ジャッジで論争をくりひろげてしまう奴がいるのを思い出しました。さすがに指は立てませんけど。
Lin Loring監督(Wilson/ITA Regional Championships09)
2月6日。DURHAM(米国ノースカロライナ州)。Indiana University women's tennis teamがDukeに0勝9敗(シングルス0-3、ダブルス0-6)。
●"The match was closer than the score indicates because in doubles and singles we consistently got the games to 40-40 but could never win."
●"Their pace and placement would eventually win the big points. Once the score got to 40-40, they played at a different level."
▼チームテニスらしいコメント▼"Their pace and placement would eventually win the big points."な試合なら見てみたい▼記事全文:http://www.bigtennetwork.com/news/article.asp?list_id=24&story_id=3187039▼大学スポーツ専門のケーブルチャネル。学生テニスだけだと商品的にはどうになもならなくても、こうしたパッケージの中でなら立派なコンテンツ▼大学の大会でもスポンサー企業がついてるみたいです。
●"The match was closer than the score indicates because in doubles and singles we consistently got the games to 40-40 but could never win."
●"Their pace and placement would eventually win the big points. Once the score got to 40-40, they played at a different level."
▼チームテニスらしいコメント▼"Their pace and placement would eventually win the big points."な試合なら見てみたい▼記事全文:http://www.bigtennetwork.com/news/article.asp?list_id=24&story_id=3187039▼大学スポーツ専門のケーブルチャネル。学生テニスだけだと商品的にはどうになもならなくても、こうしたパッケージの中でなら立派なコンテンツ▼大学の大会でもスポンサー企業がついてるみたいです。
Tamarine Tanasugarn(FedCup09)
2月5日。Perth(オーストラリア)。Tamarine TanasugarnがSamantha Stosurに64、5-7、0-6。
●"I was tired and discouraged after allowing Stosur to come back."
●''I'm sorry that I could not win the match.''
▼4-6、2-5からの逆転負け▼勝ったStosurのコメント:“The whole match, up until that point (at 2-5 in the second set), I was not really happy with myself at all.” (そりゃそうでしょ)▼“Dave just kept trying to tell me the result doesn’t matter and just try and work it out within myself, what I could do to get back into the match."(オーストラリアの監督さん、いいこと言ってますね。これはダブルスの劣勢になった試合でパートナーに声をかけるときに使えそう)▼“My attitude started to get a bit better and I guess I only just needed those couple of games to get back to 5-4 to actually finally feel half decent about what I was doing out there.(自分の感情をしっかり把握。すごい)▼"Then once I won that second set obviously she was very disappointed and then it turned around. She started looking like I had been for the whole start of the match.”(相手の表情を表現するのも大事ですね。おもしろい表現ですけど実際に使えるかな)
●"I was tired and discouraged after allowing Stosur to come back."
●''I'm sorry that I could not win the match.''
▼4-6、2-5からの逆転負け▼勝ったStosurのコメント:“The whole match, up until that point (at 2-5 in the second set), I was not really happy with myself at all.” (そりゃそうでしょ)▼“Dave just kept trying to tell me the result doesn’t matter and just try and work it out within myself, what I could do to get back into the match."(オーストラリアの監督さん、いいこと言ってますね。これはダブルスの劣勢になった試合でパートナーに声をかけるときに使えそう)▼“My attitude started to get a bit better and I guess I only just needed those couple of games to get back to 5-4 to actually finally feel half decent about what I was doing out there.(自分の感情をしっかり把握。すごい)▼"Then once I won that second set obviously she was very disappointed and then it turned around. She started looking like I had been for the whole start of the match.”(相手の表情を表現するのも大事ですね。おもしろい表現ですけど実際に使えるかな)
Alexa Glatch(Childhelp Desert Classic09)
2月4日。Rancho Mirage(米国カリフォルニア州)。Alexa Glatch(米国)がStefania Boffa(スイス)に46、62、46。
●“She played better on the bigger points.”
●“I should have played a little more aggressive out there. I’m disappointed, of course, but there’s always doubles.”
●“She played better on the bigger points.”
●“I should have played a little more aggressive out there. I’m disappointed, of course, but there’s always doubles.”
Igor Andreev(PBZ Zagreb09)
2月3日。ZAGREB、Croatia。Igor Andreevが Ivan Dodigに16、46。
●"I wasn't playing my best tennis, Dodig played very well."
●"He played really good and that's the reason for my defeat. I wish him all the best for the tournament."
●"I wasn't playing my best tennis, Dodig played very well."
●"He played really good and that's the reason for my defeat. I wish him all the best for the tournament."
Wayne Odesnik(Carson Challenger09)
2月1日。カーソン(米国カリフォルニア州)。Scoville JenkinsがWayne Odesnikに46、46で準優勝。
▼チャレンジャー大会でもありもともとニュースバリュー的にはつらいところに、スポーツイベント目白押しのこの前の日曜日ではさすがに地元のニュースメディアでも取り上げてくれません▼かろうじて、前日土曜日のWayne Odesnikの以下コメントのみかろうじて発見:"I've been working on my game, and today I did some things that I wasn't doing yesterday even though I got through it." ▼"Today I stepped into the ball, stayed aggressive, kept the pressure on."▼基本に立ち返る良いコメント▼このチャレンジャー大会には韓国選手の名前がありましたが、日本人選手は見当たらず▼ドロー:http://www.atpworldtour.com:80/en/common/TrackIt.asp?file=/posting/2009/3590/mds.pdf
▼チャレンジャー大会でもありもともとニュースバリュー的にはつらいところに、スポーツイベント目白押しのこの前の日曜日ではさすがに地元のニュースメディアでも取り上げてくれません▼かろうじて、前日土曜日のWayne Odesnikの以下コメントのみかろうじて発見:"I've been working on my game, and today I did some things that I wasn't doing yesterday even though I got through it." ▼"Today I stepped into the ball, stayed aggressive, kept the pressure on."▼基本に立ち返る良いコメント▼このチャレンジャー大会には韓国選手の名前がありましたが、日本人選手は見当たらず▼ドロー:http://www.atpworldtour.com:80/en/common/TrackIt.asp?file=/posting/2009/3590/mds.pdf
Laura Robson(全豪09)
1月31日。メルボルン。Luara RobsonがKsenia Pervakに36、16でJunior Girls' Singles準優勝。
●"She won because she played more consistent than me. So it's definitely disappointing to lose, but I thought I played as well as I could have."
●"Maybe experience wasn't the key factor, but definitely her consistency was."
●"I didn't really have any problem returning her shots. Just getting them in was the big deal."
▼"she played more consistent than me."は明日負けたらこのフレーズを使うこと▼この英国のジュニア選手言うことしっかりしてますね▼記者会見全文:http://www.australianopen.com/en_AU/news/interviews/2009-01-31/200901301233295108937.html。
●"She won because she played more consistent than me. So it's definitely disappointing to lose, but I thought I played as well as I could have."
●"Maybe experience wasn't the key factor, but definitely her consistency was."
●"I didn't really have any problem returning her shots. Just getting them in was the big deal."
▼"she played more consistent than me."は明日負けたらこのフレーズを使うこと▼この英国のジュニア選手言うことしっかりしてますね▼記者会見全文:http://www.australianopen.com/en_AU/news/interviews/2009-01-31/200901301233295108937.html。
Roger Federer(全豪09)
2月1日。メルボルン。Roger FedererがRafael Nadalに57、63、67、63、26。
●"I was up a break in the first twice. I had many chances. I missed them and they cost me dearly."
●"It was a tough match. I don't think I served particularly well, unfortunately. And I think that was the key to the match in the end."
●"I hit some stupid doublefaults, but that's going to happen in a fiveset match usually. I tried to kind of get the grip on my serve, but never really found the rhythm, which was a pity. But it happens."
●"I wish my serve would have been better, but that's something that sometimes is a bit dayform issue."
●"I have a completely different type of serve than Rafa. He makes sure he gets it in; I try to go and chase the lines. So obviously you're always going to miss a few."
●"In a fifth set, anything can happen. That's the problem. Not usually the better player always wins. Just a matter of momentum sometimes. I definitely played a terrible fifth set. I kind of handed it over to him."
●"He was playing solid. I think he tried to also kind of keep the points short through the fourth and fifth set."
●"In the first moment you're disappointed, you're shocked, you're sad, then all of a sudden it overwhelms you. The problem is you can't go in the locker room and just take it easy and take a cold shower. You're stuck out there. It's the worst feeling."
●"I wish I was a lefty, too, playing him breakpoints on the ad side, not on the deuce side. A great advantage for him."
▼ブレークチャンスを逃し、サーブも今ひとつ▼"I was up a break in the first twice. I had many chances. I missed them and they cost me dearly."と"I definitely played a terrible fifth set. I kind of handed it over to him."なら明日から使えそう▼ナダル強し。記者会見ならフェデラー。
●"I was up a break in the first twice. I had many chances. I missed them and they cost me dearly."
●"It was a tough match. I don't think I served particularly well, unfortunately. And I think that was the key to the match in the end."
●"I hit some stupid doublefaults, but that's going to happen in a fiveset match usually. I tried to kind of get the grip on my serve, but never really found the rhythm, which was a pity. But it happens."
●"I wish my serve would have been better, but that's something that sometimes is a bit dayform issue."
●"I have a completely different type of serve than Rafa. He makes sure he gets it in; I try to go and chase the lines. So obviously you're always going to miss a few."
●"In a fifth set, anything can happen. That's the problem. Not usually the better player always wins. Just a matter of momentum sometimes. I definitely played a terrible fifth set. I kind of handed it over to him."
●"He was playing solid. I think he tried to also kind of keep the points short through the fourth and fifth set."
●"In the first moment you're disappointed, you're shocked, you're sad, then all of a sudden it overwhelms you. The problem is you can't go in the locker room and just take it easy and take a cold shower. You're stuck out there. It's the worst feeling."
●"I wish I was a lefty, too, playing him breakpoints on the ad side, not on the deuce side. A great advantage for him."
▼ブレークチャンスを逃し、サーブも今ひとつ▼"I was up a break in the first twice. I had many chances. I missed them and they cost me dearly."と"I definitely played a terrible fifth set. I kind of handed it over to him."なら明日から使えそう▼ナダル強し。記者会見ならフェデラー。
Dinara Safina(全豪09)
1月31日。メルボルン。Dinara SafinaがSerena Williamsに06、36。
●"I wasn't myself on the court."
●"I was not able to show my game."
●"It was first time for me to play not only for the Grand Slam, but it's also for No. 1 spot. And I never been through this situation, and she was already."
●"She was much more experienced than I was today stepping on the court."
●"My serve was letting me down."
●"I think the whole tournament I was struggling with my serve. I've been working on my serve. Everything was fine. And just suddenly, just serving doublefaults."
●"I was not giving her any trouble with my serve. Normally my serve is my weapon. So playing without all my weapons, it's tough against her."
●"She played exactly the way she had to play and she was much more aggressive and she just was taking time out of me, so I didn't have that much time to put back myself onto the court. She didn't even let me to come into the match."
●"She puts pressure because she's aggressive. It's not that you doubt in myself. She pushes you to go a little bit for more because you don't want to give her any easy ball because you know that she will go for it. Either she makes it or misses, but most of the time she makes it. It's just that she puts pressure, that's all."
●"I wasn't myself on the court."
●"I was not able to show my game."
●"It was first time for me to play not only for the Grand Slam, but it's also for No. 1 spot. And I never been through this situation, and she was already."
●"She was much more experienced than I was today stepping on the court."
●"My serve was letting me down."
●"I think the whole tournament I was struggling with my serve. I've been working on my serve. Everything was fine. And just suddenly, just serving doublefaults."
●"I was not giving her any trouble with my serve. Normally my serve is my weapon. So playing without all my weapons, it's tough against her."
●"She played exactly the way she had to play and she was much more aggressive and she just was taking time out of me, so I didn't have that much time to put back myself onto the court. She didn't even let me to come into the match."
●"She puts pressure because she's aggressive. It's not that you doubt in myself. She pushes you to go a little bit for more because you don't want to give her any easy ball because you know that she will go for it. Either she makes it or misses, but most of the time she makes it. It's just that she puts pressure, that's all."