Mario Ancic(PBZ Zagreb Indoors09)
2月8日。ZAGREB(クロアチア)。Mario AncicがMarin Cilicに36、46。
●"The beginning of the match was maybe decisive. If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance. I can only congratulate him."
●"There are no secrets: Marin played better. He was in control throughout the match and played on very high level."
●"It was mission impossible for me after very tough match I played yesterday evening."
▼Cilicは絶好調▼Ancicも復活▼"If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance."みたいな言い方は、友人のあまりの好調さをたたえるときにでも試してみます。
●"The beginning of the match was maybe decisive. If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance. I can only congratulate him."
●"There are no secrets: Marin played better. He was in control throughout the match and played on very high level."
●"It was mission impossible for me after very tough match I played yesterday evening."
▼Cilicは絶好調▼Ancicも復活▼"If Marin's game was just a bit weaker I might have had a chance."みたいな言い方は、友人のあまりの好調さをたたえるときにでも試してみます。