Wayne Odesnik(Carson Challenger09)
2月1日。カーソン(米国カリフォルニア州)。Scoville JenkinsがWayne Odesnikに46、46で準優勝。
▼チャレンジャー大会でもありもともとニュースバリュー的にはつらいところに、スポーツイベント目白押しのこの前の日曜日ではさすがに地元のニュースメディアでも取り上げてくれません▼かろうじて、前日土曜日のWayne Odesnikの以下コメントのみかろうじて発見:"I've been working on my game, and today I did some things that I wasn't doing yesterday even though I got through it." ▼"Today I stepped into the ball, stayed aggressive, kept the pressure on."▼基本に立ち返る良いコメント▼このチャレンジャー大会には韓国選手の名前がありましたが、日本人選手は見当たらず▼ドロー:http://www.atpworldtour.com:80/en/common/TrackIt.asp?file=/posting/2009/3590/mds.pdf
▼チャレンジャー大会でもありもともとニュースバリュー的にはつらいところに、スポーツイベント目白押しのこの前の日曜日ではさすがに地元のニュースメディアでも取り上げてくれません▼かろうじて、前日土曜日のWayne Odesnikの以下コメントのみかろうじて発見:"I've been working on my game, and today I did some things that I wasn't doing yesterday even though I got through it." ▼"Today I stepped into the ball, stayed aggressive, kept the pressure on."▼基本に立ち返る良いコメント▼このチャレンジャー大会には韓国選手の名前がありましたが、日本人選手は見当たらず▼ドロー:http://www.atpworldtour.com:80/en/common/TrackIt.asp?file=/posting/2009/3590/mds.pdf
Laura Robson(全豪09)
1月31日。メルボルン。Luara RobsonがKsenia Pervakに36、16でJunior Girls' Singles準優勝。
●"She won because she played more consistent than me. So it's definitely disappointing to lose, but I thought I played as well as I could have."
●"Maybe experience wasn't the key factor, but definitely her consistency was."
●"I didn't really have any problem returning her shots. Just getting them in was the big deal."
▼"she played more consistent than me."は明日負けたらこのフレーズを使うこと▼この英国のジュニア選手言うことしっかりしてますね▼記者会見全文:http://www.australianopen.com/en_AU/news/interviews/2009-01-31/200901301233295108937.html。
●"She won because she played more consistent than me. So it's definitely disappointing to lose, but I thought I played as well as I could have."
●"Maybe experience wasn't the key factor, but definitely her consistency was."
●"I didn't really have any problem returning her shots. Just getting them in was the big deal."
▼"she played more consistent than me."は明日負けたらこのフレーズを使うこと▼この英国のジュニア選手言うことしっかりしてますね▼記者会見全文:http://www.australianopen.com/en_AU/news/interviews/2009-01-31/200901301233295108937.html。