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番外:Larry Scott・WTA会長(ドバイ・オープン09)

Larry Scott・WTA会長がShahar Peer問題についてコメント:

●“It’s a complicated world we live in.”

●"Money does not factor into it. This is an issue related to principles, related to fairness to our athletes and being sensitive to what the affected player wants."

●"Practically speaking, our athletes were already there ready to play ... and we did not really have much time to react to the situation. Just because Shahar was penalised she did not want to see all her fellow players penalised."

●"That's what went into the decision to let this tournament carry on this year. It will be clear this is an issue of principle that rises above any economic concerns or issues and that will be clear in the way we handle this."

●"I don't want anyone to misinterpret that ... we let the tournament carry on with any sense of complacency or acceptance of this issue. Shahar certainly expects us to deal with it very clearly and firmly for the future which we will."

●"Our actions will be clear in the future and we will be happy to be judged by that."

●"I had hoped in this day and age that sporting principles would be recognised as separate from politics and this is a big step back, it's a big step back for the region and a reality check for everyone that political influences will try to be imposed on sports from time to time."

●"It's a lesson learned within the world of tennis and I think beyond as other sporting organisation are certainly going to pay attention to this and proceed accordingly."

●"If Dubai does not back down, I'm sure there would be significant financial implications for us but from my perspective, this can't happen again regardless of any economic impact. It just can't happen again."

●“We knew it was an issue, but we made it clear that she was going to be in the draw and we wanted to be optimistic that she would get the visa, then they waited until the 11th hour to deny it.”

●“Peer and her family didn’t want all the players to be harmed because of one, we talked to our players and told them that something terrible has happened here, but every single one would be punished if we were to cancel.”

●“I made it clear to them that if Shahar were not allowed to play, they would run the risk of losing their tournament, it would be a big blow to lose one of this prestige and money, but if it comes to the principles of fairness and openness, there can be no compromise.”

▼英系および米系ニュースメディアでドバイ・オープンのイスラエル選手問題が強い調子で取り上げられています▼Shahar Peerの入国は拒否されたままAndy RamだけOKという結果になってしまったようです▼WTAやATPが国際問題の渦中になるのはこれが初めてではないと思いますけど、きな臭い世の中。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 03:33 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0)