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Jesus 10/26 20:14
I'm retire…
Tristan 10/19 18:51
A few mont…
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no xiexie.…
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●"I didn't start particularly well. At the start I made too many mistakes. I was trying to hit too many winners from the wrong position."

●"I didn't serve well in the first set. Then I picked it up a bit towards the end of the match."

●"At the start of the match, I knew what I was doing wrong. Just took me a little while to try to figure out how to change it. I managed to towards the end."

●If you give him one chance, he's one of the best probably the best at taking them and making you pay for sort of lapses. I had a few too many early in the match.

●"I played very well at the end of the match."

●"At the end of the match I started to play properly. I played the ball, when I was out of position, very high over the net, gave myself time to recover and dictated a lot of points."

●"In the tiebreak, got a little bit unlucky. We played two great points. He won both of them with great shots."

●"He won pretty much all the points on my serve in the tiebreak. But two of them were unbelievable points. So a bit unlucky with that."

●"Maybe on the two really long points we had in the tiebreak, I could have maybe come to net on a couple of shots."

●"Those points could have gone either way. He played some great defense. Me, too."

●"Especially when there's a lot of pressure, to hit a very delicate shot is hard, the closer you get to the end of the set or the bigger points."

●"If you want to beat Nadal, you've got to on clay play great, solid, serve well and concentrate, the whole way through."

●"It's been a great week for me. I didn't have huge expectations coming in. I look forward to the next tournament."

●"He plays solid the whole way through."

●"Anyone will tell you when you play him, it's tough to know exactly when to come forward because he passes incredibly well. On the faster service surfaces, it's a little easier to come to net against him. He doesn't have so much time."

●"He just played a little bit better, which sometimes unfortunately you have to accept."

▼シングルスでもダブルスでもポジションについては最近良く考える機会がありますが、プロでもこんな感じ▼終盤近い大事なポイントで繊細なショットを打つのは難しい、、、というのも心しておかねば▼良くやる相手に負けたときなら"You just played a little bit better.."を使うのも良さそう▼スポンサーに日本企業を発見。ATPとは2005年よりOfficial Office Solutions Providerとして契約しており、この大会はその一貫。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:40 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●"I got close, but not good enough to beat him today."

●"The conditions were fine to play. They were pretty heavy, obviously, because there was no sunshine, and wet courts, so that made it kind of tough to get a lot of free points on the serve."

●"Today definitely my serve wasn't working. I haven't served my best throughout the season, so I have to make sure I get my serve back in, going well for me because I just don't hit the spots when I really want to."

●"My forehand was hurting me in the beginning. I was making a few too many errors. That kind of gave him the advantage.
It was unfortunate."

●"It's normal for me to miss forehands. I don't just push them in. I usually try to go for it and be aggressive on it. But it got better towards the end. But still I just struggled."

●"I had decent timing on my backhand. I was playing it okay, trying to mix it up as well."

●"Stan played well. It was okay."

●"It was Stan's game. He did a good job today. He kept the ball in play. He was just better."

●"Playing Stan in the second round I thought was always going to be difficult for me because this is his place here."

●"I'm happy for him. Like I told him, the loss doesn't hurt as much just because I know it's against a good guy."

●"It's something I need to work on, make sure my timing gets right, my footwork gets right, and my forehand, that I use it the right way. It just showed me again this week what I need to work on for next week. That's why I think it was good to come here."

●"I didn't expect myself to dominate everybody this week. I knew it was going to be difficult."

▼クレーシーズン第一戦でもあり、調整はこれからといったところ。相手はいい奴だし負けても嬉しい限り。この気持ちのもちようはとても健康的▼"Making sure my timing gets right..."もいい感じ▼そういえばヒゲラスさんとはどうなったんでしょうか▼スポンサーのスイス系人材派遣会社は日本でも事業展開中。そもそも人材派遣会社がテニス大会のスポンサーをする意味というのはどれくらいあるものなのかしら、、。

日記 | 投稿者 D304 04:34 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




● "It was not the best preparation, that's for sure."

●"I actually felt like I hit the ball pretty well today. Actually ball striking, I was actually pretty happy with. So, especially just coming off the plane, I probably wasn't as sharp as I would have liked to have been or normally would try to be."

●"He's obviously still a class player when he's on."

●"Last week I played extremely well. Not to drop a set through the tournament gave me a lot of confidence. I still got to build on that, though."

●"My ball striking was good today. I'm happy with the way I'm hitting the ball at the moment. There are small areas of my game I still feel like I can work on to get to the next step before the French Open and Wimbledon. That's the goal now.”

●"It's a totally different mindset when you go onto a clay court. I think it's a lot easier to go from growing up on clay to learn to play on hard court than it is the other way."

●"My hip has actually been feeling really good on the clay, which is probably a little bit easier for my hip as well, than playing on the hard court."


日記 | 投稿者 D304 10:51 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Tommy Haas(U.S. Men’s Clay Court Championships'09)

4月9日。ヒューストン(米国テキサス州)。Tommy HaasがBjorn Phauに36、63、36でベスト8。


●“My serve let me down in the third set.”

●“I’m thankful for the wild card. I got to play a couple of matches on clay but I’m sick of losing after 13 years. "

●"I want to get my team together and see what happens. I have a hard time playing here. Every time you go for a shot it is risky."

●"He moves better than I do so he has a better chance to get back on the points."

●"To tell you the truth, I’m glad it’s over.”

▼Phauは小さそうだけどかなりパワフル:“Today was my best match.” ▼名前からして、テニス好きな家族の期待を一身に背負ってきたのかも▼冠スポンサーに次ぐのは、小規模な銀行やテキサスやメキシコで事業展開する独立系スーパー、独立系の石油ガス開発と地域色濃厚。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 22:23 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

James Blake(U.S. Men’s Clay Court Championships '09)

4月7日。火曜日。ヒューストン(米国テキサス州)。James BlakeがGuillermo Ca〓asに46、46で初戦敗退。


●“It turned on a few key points . . . at times I beat myself out there,”

●“I made too many errors. He kind of forces you into that with how well he plays defense, but there’s really no excuse for those errors, especially the ones I made at key times.”

●"If you expect to win matches and tournaments, you’ve got to play better on those points. I would have liked my chances if I’d gotten that last break.”

●“We've had some success together. We're here. We'll go for it.”

▼大事なポイントでの自分のプレーが悪かった。エラーも多かったのは、相手の守りの時のプレーがそうさせたから、、▼Fishとのダブルスに期待▼クレーコート・シーズンに向けた絶好の練習の機会。しかも自国内▼大会の筆頭スポンサーは投資運用会社と高級日本車ディーラー▼会場となるRiver Oaks Country Clubなら高額所得者層をターゲットに出来る演出も十分。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 22:15 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●"I was the biggest enemy to myself."

●"I was struggling again and adjusting to the heat."

●"That's just the way it is. I can't fight it."

●"I was really unpatient on the start. Made a huge number of unforced errors."

●"I should have played tactic a little bit different in the start of the match. I was too much aggressive, too many unforced errors."

●"I managed to come back second set. I didn't play smart on the 5-3. I had two set points, and I could have served a bit better."

●"I just got opportunities to get into the rally, but I haven't. He made some good returns on the first set point. On the other set point, double fault."

●"I'm not really satisfied with the way I played today."

●"I played towards the end of the second set -- throughout the whole second set I played good. Played much better. But then I had to use those opportunities. Then who knows what happens third set."

●"He was just playing very solid and waiting for his chances and serving quite well, moving all over the court quite good."

●"Physically he's moving much better all over the court. The balls he wasn't getting before he is now. The switch of defensive to offensive tennis in the points, he has really good, one of the best in the world that makes him a much better player than he used to be."

●"I played volleys quite well, but he was managing to find a little space to pass me. He just made a good passing shot. You have to say, Well done. I was positioning myself as best as I can.

日記 | 投稿者 D304 22:41 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Serena Williams(マイアミ・オープン'09)



●"It was hurting probably in my quarterfinal, and it just progressively got worse."

●"I don't like to not play."

●"I have an ankle strain in addition to something else on my thigh."

●"She's really, really improved. I actually look forward to playing her again so I can play a little better and obviously do better."

●"Even when I was down match point I thought I could still win. I didn't really know how, but I thought it was a possibility."

●"She's an all-round good player. It actually makes my feel good, because it makes me want to do better and work harder."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 00:03 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)




●"Once one guy gets the upper hand, the other guy is a bit uncertain. It's tough, but he struggled bigtime in the first set."

●"I finished worse than him. He played so bad in the first set, I had a great effort by finishing even worse than him. It was good."

●"I definitely struggled with my timing after that, so it was a tough finish for me."

●"I knew I wasn't out of it, but I should have held to go 3-1."

●"In the third set, I had a game point there. I think I could have actually almost smashed it, but didn't read it quick enough and ended up losing the point there. I think that was my biggest opportunity I had."

●"I thought I was playing okay in the first set, but it was always going to be tough in the wind. I already felt it in the warm up. It was coming across the court. I struggled heavily today. It was tough."

●"You try hard and then it's just not working. Today it is different just because there's so much wind, as well. Once you start feeling bad, it's kind of tough to regroup."

●"It was tough to hold serve, the wind was swirling."

●"From the one end when you didn't have the sun in your eye, you were playing against the wind, so you always actually had sort of a chance to break."

●"On top of that, it made it more difficult as well from the one end because you had the sun in your eyes. It was really tough on the ball toss. Between 1:30 and 2:30 it's really tough. But it's the same thing for both players."

●"I haven't been winning twenty tournaments in a row, so nobody expects me to win really."

●"It's been a tough last year especially in the hardcourts. My game never really clicked except for the Open where I thought I played great. I think when I was finding my form again, it hit me with the back problem."

●"Thank God the hardcourt season is over. I'm moving over to clay, a new chapter."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 23:36 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)


4月2日。マイアミ。NadalがDel Potroに4-6、6-3、6-7。


●"I think he didn't play an unbelievable match, but I didn't play on my best level today."

●"I didn't adapt well to this tournament this time. I played really bad."

●"I didn't focus like usually. It's not usually I lose a match with two breaks in the third in hardcourt."

●"When I have 3-0 in the third I played worse. So I have the match -- it's 6-4, 2-1 I playing terrible. Later he have mistakes and I was there. And later with 3-0, it was amazing disaster."

●"Terrible for me."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:22 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Andy Roddick(マイアミ・オープン'09)

4月1日。マイアミ(米国フロリダ州)。Andy RoddickがRoger Federerに36、64、46でベスト8。


●"It's easier if I would have just played terrible the whole time it would have been probably tougher. I at least gave it a go there in the third, and didn't really catch a break there."

●"He had a couple good let cords when it was a breakpoint against him, and one to set up the match. He hit forehand on the outside of the line down breakpoint, too. But at least it became a battle."

●"I'm not capable of being objective right now."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 22:08 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Taylor Dent(マイアミ・オープン'09)

3月31日。マイアミ(米国フロリダ州)。Taylor DentがRoger Federerに3-6、2-6。


●"In the beginning of the match I felt good. Just a little nervous. And then it was going to be a learning experience for me one way or another, whether I won or lost that match."

●"The next level for me is going to be foot speed and fitness. I felt like that was the only thing really hurting me out there."

●"I feel like my game is there. As soon a my foot speed and fitness catch up to everything else, then I'm going to be tough to beat."

●"On the deuce side, if he doesn't make a first serve, I feel like I'm going to win that point a lot of times. I'm going chip and charge. He didn't seem to like it out there, so I like my chances."

●"On the ad side, I wasn't really catching that slice very well crosscourt very well to chip and charge. So I got stuck staying back, exposed my foot speed. It's tough for me to win those points if I'm not really knifing that second serve return at the moment."

●"I felt like maybe I showed a little bit of vulnerability in Roger out there. He didn't really seem to like me doing chipping and charging those second serves very much."

日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:40 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)

Ana Ivanovic(マイアミ・オープン'09)

3月29日。マイアミ(米国フロリダ州)。Ana IvanovicがAgnes Szavayに4-6、6-4、1-6で3回戦敗退。


●"I hardly did anything well today. I was trying to come in, and I was volleying pretty well at times."

●"I couldn't really hold my serve. And just the way I started, I felt like I had so many chances early on in the match. I always was missing by a little bit, and got really down on myself. It was kind of hard to pick up from there."

●"I felt I was struggling a lot mentally. I wasn't really in the moment in a match."

●"It was tougher than I expected."

●"I didn't have a good night of sleep, and you see what happens."

▼練習では調子が良かったのに、昨晩は良く眠れなかったこともあり上手く行かなかった、、というのが上記趣旨のようです▼スポンサー数は合計48社▼冠スポンサーに続くのはマイアミ・デード郡の公園等のレクリエーション施設を統括する部門。税金ということですね▼この大会は1985年にButch Buchholzにより創設されたものの現在はIMGが所有。
日記 | 投稿者 D304 02:25 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)