Nalbandian(Estoril Open'09)
5月4日。Estoril(ポルトガル)。NalbandianがPaul Capdevilleに2-6、2-6で1回戦敗退。
●“My preparation coming to Estoril was as good as possible but limited due to my ongoing hip injury,”
● “I did everything I could to recover on time to play this tournament and I believe I arrived in the best shape possible given the circumstances."
●“Today I just couldn’t move well and never found my rhythm. The injury still bothers me. I have to keep working on getting better.”
●“My preparation coming to Estoril was as good as possible but limited due to my ongoing hip injury,”
● “I did everything I could to recover on time to play this tournament and I believe I arrived in the best shape possible given the circumstances."
●“Today I just couldn’t move well and never found my rhythm. The injury still bothers me. I have to keep working on getting better.”